Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...


Joined May 20 2011
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Claude Bouchard Books

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About Me

Mum of 3, love life, love living by the sea :D am daft enough to go for a swim on a warm winters day lol. 

Own my own business teaching Social Media and Managing Clients Social Media accounts.

Specialising in Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn I create a Customer Service Front for Clients. To keep the identity of the Client unique you'll only ever find my name on my own accounts :D 

Tweeting now for 15 paid clients and 45 wikinomic clients.  

Ranking number 17 in the most influencial women on Twitter out of 9million +  Need to go a little way before I catch up with Claude :D

Love Claudes books, they are gripping and you want to read beginning to end with no interuptions.

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