Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

Twitter Scum, even on Christmas

Posted by bigceebee on December 25, 2011 at 3:05 PM

We’ve all run into our share of idiots, morons, trolls and the like on Twitter and this is a subject I’ve blogged about a few times in the past. A week or two ago, maybe mid-December, I received a tweet from @_Verify_Help,asking if I was interested in having my twitter account verified. This account itself was not verified, was following around 15 other accounts, had 5 followers and its listed website was via This screamed authentic, trustworthy, safe and secure and a whole bunch of other positive things as much as it confirmed I was the official leader of the universe. I ignored the tweet.


On Friday, December 23rd, the little slug contacted me again, once again offering its service and I checked out the account once more. It now followed approximately 35 accounts but had an alarming 21K+ followers… Obviously, some people believed this slime-ball was the real thing and hoped to get verified status with the worm’s help. The listed website was now simply, which brought one to the general timeline.


I played along and indicated that yes, I would love to get a verified status and shortly received the form to be completed as a link to the previously mentioned surveymonkey page. I dare not include the actual link here for fear someone might click it and actually complete and submit the form. Besides requesting one’s Twitter account name, the form also asks for full name, email, location and Twitter account password. Here’s the exact wording for the password request:


*6. Twitter Account Password, Your Password is For Twitter Records, Your Twitter Account Will Be Safe.

The form ends with the following mention:


Once You Filled Out The Form You Will Receive a Email FromTwitter About 12 - 48 Hours Since You Filled Out The Form Saying Your Twitter Account Verified.

Thank You,

Twitter inc.


Real professional and authentic indeed, and I should know since I’m the official leader of the universe, remember?


I emailed Twitter with this information and an hour later, had the impression the account had been closed since searching for it by name rendered the message “This account does not exist.” However, the gutless sleazebag contacted me again this morning under the name @Ilovebbbal to ask if I was still interested in getting my account verified. I told him he was a fraud and the account ceased to exist again moments later. It is now @iilovebbb, following 45 accounts and with 21,635 followers. I suggest blocking this account, reporting it to Twitter and spreading the word. Why? Because I despise gutless hackers.

Bottom line is, Twitter knows what your password and other information is because they are Twitter… Also, Twitter doesn’t accept public verification requests anymore and hasn’t for a while now.


Don’t give your password to dweebs, no matter how enticing and exciting the offer seems. These are sick little animals who will just screw up what you’ve put together simply because they are sorry trash who have no lives.

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Reply Lady Caroline
04:22 PM on December 25, 2011 
Thank you so much for this valuable information. Had I not read this I might have followed just learning about twitter as I go along. Merry Christmas to you and thanks again for alerting us to this spammer.
Reply Stacie
06:44 PM on December 25, 2011 
Wow,unbelievable what people will do..Desperate
Reply Sir Samuel Zeus Clemons
09:54 AM on December 26, 2011 
first of all, Claude, your parody as "Leader of the Universe" is quite humorous. thanks for standing in for me, everyone knows da ferret is the Ruler o' da Universe....

my bud, and generally one of the most gracious, decent and kind people on twitter, Dennis Coble had his little account up to 80k followers. he'd shout out any cause, large or small, grand or not so grand. Dennis was a good guy. such a good guy that he responded to said worm above. yeppers. he admits it. as soon as i press "submit" to this post, i am sending him this link.

and guess what happened? the thieving scumbag hijacked Dennis Account ( @RCToyPalaceCom) and now Dennis has started over, building up his new account one follower at a time. The old account? The kid UNFOLLOWED EVERYONE!!! Got down to about 3k "following" last I looked, and had turned the account into some account that spams a YouTube page.

First off, Twitter should shut down, ban and report these hackers to the Feds, that is not happening, and shame on Twitter.

Second, Twitter should be giving back these accounts to the rightful owners out of a sense of honor, duty and integrity.

Third, these folks who are doing these things will get theirs eventually. I am not talking about revenge, or resentment. I mean the Great Law of Nature, Newtons Law, the Spiritual Law: That we reap what we sow. Good in, good out. There is an equal and opposite reaction. All those things. These folks will eventually get what they got coming, unfortunately for them, they will not succeed in their endeavors.

See ya on Twitter, I Tweet at @Samuel_Clemons
Reply Mel
08:57 AM on December 27, 2011 
Can't believe that people are falling for this.
To get a verified account, the owner of a Twitter account has to put in a request with details why, normally this is for a TV personality/ singer etc. Next the TV program that they are associated with need to put in a request directly to Twitter to confirm that the user is to be on their TV show. It's those two requests that Twitter choose to assign a verified account. The TV company can make a direct request too.
Normal accounts are not able to get verified accounts as Claude says.

Be careful too of sites that are asking for login details, especially when you think you've already logged in. If it's not Twitter Authorised don't use.
Thanks for posting Claude!! (fan) :D

tweet me :D @melaniehetfield
Reply diana hampo
12:07 PM on December 29, 2011 
Thanks for the warning. What a punk.
Reply Matt Koshko
01:39 PM on December 30, 2011 
This is both disgusting and fantastic. I admire your tenacity for calling out a sleazebag - the internet makes it too easy for them to spread their garbage, taking advantage of innocent people across the globe. The fact is evil will exist, without end, but for those who fight against these crooks, I appreciate it greatly. I operate a few membership-based websites and had to spend about 2 months developing security protocols to protect my site and members' data from being hacked - it worked, at least for now.

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