Claude Bouchard Books

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Ramble On

The Death of a Jackass

Posted by bigceebee on June 24, 2011 at 11:53 AM

Although I’ve heard of Jackass and seen clips from the series and films, I’ve never been a big fan. To me, the antics and stunts often went past comedy into the realm of ridiculous. However, enough people out there considered it sufficiently entertaining to make the Jackass concept and its participants successful to which I say, "Congrats.".


That said, let’s talk about Ryan Dunn. A former welder and gas station attendant, he went on to become an international celebrity with a net worth in the millions thanks to his wild and crazy stunts. At the young age of 34, he had achieved the fame and fortune that many will only dream of in their lifetimes.


In the early hours of June 20, 2011, following an evening of drinking with friends, Dunn climbed behind the steering wheel of his Porsche 911 GT3 and performed the ultimate stunt of all, driving himself and friend, Zachary Hartwell, to their fiery deaths.


The toxicology report showed that Ryan Dunn had a blood alcohol level of 0.196%, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08% in Pennsylvania. As Dunn demonstrated, though it was surely not his intent, even the rich and famous are not immune to the perils of drinking and driving.


We can condemn Ryan Dunn for his errors on June 20th but to what purpose since he’s already paid the ultimate price. Rather, let’s remember the message he unknowingly sent to the world at his final moment…

Please, don’t drink and drive…

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