Claude Bouchard Books

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RIP Ed Zachary

Posted by bigceebee on June 10, 2012 at 4:15 PM

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Ed Zachary today. Ironically, it would appear Mr. Zachary succumbed to the disease which bore his name, Ed Zachary Disease.


Little is known of Mr. Zachary’s past, even following exhaustive investigative research by a consortium composed of several prominent anthropological think tanks. It is believed Zachary may have been an orphan though this has never been ascertained. Birth records have never been unearthed and Mr. Zachary, somewhat of a hermit and vagabond, never obtained any formal identification, not even an SSN. His year of birth has been estimated as 1975 which put him at the yet young age of 38 at the time of death.


His claim to fame arose when world renowned Chinese sex therapist, Dr. Chang coined the name Ed Zachary Disease as described in his famous quote. “…when your face rook ED-ZACHARY rike your ass."

Rest in Peace, Ed Zachary

circa 1975 - June 10, 2012

Photo credit and further information available from:

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