Claude Bouchard Books

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Ramble On

The Joys of Life

Posted by bigceebee on October 6, 2011 at 10:00 AM

I was saddened this morning to learn of Steve Jobs’ passing, particularly since he was only 56. Though he left a definite mark on the world and will be remembered, for him, it’s all over.


Regardless of how successful we each end up in life, there are things which money truly can’t buy, such as health and happiness. We all know this but, as we grow older, we seem to realize it more, at least I do. I therefore now appreciate the simple things which bring me pleasure much more than I once did. The soothing sound of wind chimes, even if it’s blustery and raining out there. Banging out a tune on a guitar, knowing it sounded just right, even if only to my ears. Applying that dab of paint which creates the perfect shade on a canvas. Reading a great scene in a novel, or writing one, for that matter.


These are the joys of life…

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1 Comment

Reply Tami C.
12:26 PM on October 06, 2011 
Very well said.

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