Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

The Post You Asked For #2

Posted by bigceebee on October 3, 2011 at 10:45 AM

Last Monday, I was at a loss about what to blog about and turned to my highly knowledgeable Twitter followers for suggestions. The end result was rather impressive and a blast to put together so I decided to try this exercise again. After all, what better subjects to blog about than those my readers so intensely desire reading? In response to my suggestion request this morning, here’s what I got:

@666mikee what is!!a blog


@Margaret_Yang I think you should blog about key lime pie. Heck, I think *everyone* should blog about key lime pie.


@HeathenStig Filipino transvestite hookers whom smoke Turkish cigarettes while watching Swedish porn on Chinese-made televisions.


@princess_nana57 Well I'm not a blogger, just talk about yourself!


@MakeupbyCynthia SEX! Lmao


@airmarshall6 Joyce is quoted as: Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. so how's about intellect & emotion

After having read the above recommended subjects, you may be wondering, “Why the hell would Bouchard want to put himself through the horrific challenge of pulling these random elements together into a clear, concise piece of prose?” To this, all I can answer is, “Hmmm… Valid question indeed.”  Anyhow, no sense dwelling on the matter since I asked for it so, let’s surge forward, starting with @666mikee’s question… Or was it a statement made during which he got excited halfway through? This could be the subject of an entirely separate blog post where we’d examine ‘What was @666mikee’s actual condition when he typed that tweet and how much coffee did he drink this morning?’

Having settled our first issue to my satisfaction, we can now safely move on to the meat of the proffered subjects by considering four of the five remaining suggestions through a careful analysis based on commonality. In my opinion, it’s rather obvious that any discussion concerning Filipino transvestite hookers,what governs men, Swedish porn, womanly curves, intellect, key-lime pie, emotions and televisions manufactured in China can be about one thing and one thing only; Global SEX! You may find this absurd at first but consider the following: After what activity do many people smoke a cigarette…? I rest my case. The only question remaining is, “Did author and poet, James Joyce, have a kinkier streak than we until now thought he did?”

And finally, to succinctly touch upon the remaining suggestion brought forth by @princess_nana57, I am a writer. ;)

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Reply gracey_castro
11:24 AM on October 03, 2011 
Global Sex! LMAO. That was great! I have to catch the list next time and add my 2 cents worth! Love this, I hope you keep it up.
Reply Stigandr
12:05 PM on October 03, 2011 
It always ends with sex with you, doesn't it? Bloody Frenchie. Ha! ;)

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