Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

The Post You Asked For

Posted by bigceebee on September 26, 2011 at 10:10 AM

I wanted to write a blog post today but no worthy subjects were coming to mind so I turned to my brilliant followers on Twitter and asked, What should I blog about today? Not surprisingly, I quickly received several marvelous suggestions as follows:

@LynnRush chocolate chip pancakes. :)


@BellaSssparks universal symbols and whether authors think about them as they write. Or were my college professors full of it.


@HeathenStig Opium usage amongst midget tranny hookers in Myanmar.


@GangsteroVirtue Me! Smile


@LynMidnight Aliens. Where are they hiding them?! :P

Being an equal opportunity blogger and recognizing the high quality of the subjects provided, I immediately decided to incorporate all of them into this blog post. As I'd already had breakfast, I knew I wouldn't be eating any chocolate chip pancakes but I did sit back and reflect on them in terms of universal symbolism. As a writer, if I present a scene which includes chocolate chip pancakes, what is the underlying meaning I'm trying to convey? Am I subliminally reaching out to my readers to share my views about the problems Ivory Coast farmers face in their production of cacao beans or am I simply describing a yummy breakfast? To answer @BellaSssparks's insightful question above, some professors may indeed be full of it, particularly the loopy ones.

Or are they? With further analysis, we can see that from my simple question, What should I blog about today?, I was randomly supplied with suggestions. One led me to mention the Ivory Coast, which is a pretty warm place all while another specifically mentioned Myanmar, which is also quite warm. However, while one warm climate crop grown is the essence of chocolate, the reference to Myanmar dealt with many things vice including opium and transvestite prostitutes (nothing wrong with little people). Might those professors be right after all? Might what seems to be simply a yummy breakfast actually be symbolism for intoxication and debauchery?

Should this be the case, many things could then be explained with sudden ease and clarity, one being the age old question, Aliens. Where are they hiding them?! Considering the above, it becomes perfectly obvious that for all these years, aliens have been kept prisoner and forced to harvest cacao beans and poppies in warm climate countries. But, by who, you ask? The evil @GangsteroVirtue, of course.

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Reply Gracey Castro
11:38 AM on September 26, 2011 
Funny, educational (I may be loopy, or as a friend says bloody mad) and quite the challenge. I hope you do more of these.
Reply Lyn Midnight
12:01 PM on September 26, 2011 
Oh man, you are genius! It's so early in the day and you've already unearthed a deep-seated conspiracy and incorporated 5 very different topics into one master ... zombiepost. See, I'm not as sharp as you are at this time, lol. Thanks for making me smile! :)
Reply Lynn Rush
02:29 PM on September 26, 2011 
This is AWESOME!!!!!!! I think my brain just cramped, though. Too early to be unearthing seep-seated conspiracies as Lyn M. mentioned in her comment. LOL. But boy, this sure made me smile!!! :) Hope you have a GREAT day, Claude!
Reply AJ Burton
06:21 PM on September 26, 2011 
Your blog just goes to show that one can write about anything, no matter how mundane, trivial and wierd whilst still being entertaining.

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