Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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New to the Crew

Posted by bigceebee on September 23, 2011 at 11:55 AM

I can't think of a better time than this fine, sunny Friday to have an impromtu induction ceremony. Therefore, without any further delay, please join me in welcoming the following new inductees to The CeeBee Crew!

@gracey_castro - Gracey Castro: I met Gracey fairly recently when I noticed she was regularly retweeting my shameless posts about my novels. I soon came to learn that Gracey was not only giving me a hand in spreading the word. She was systematically working her way through my novels and better yet, loving what she was reading! As any writer knows, having one's work praised makes one just feel great and this is what Gracey has generously done; make me feel great! Find out more about this charming new Crew member by visiting her blog:

@andj7871 - Ann Doherty Jurmain: Ann quietly came to my attention when I realized she was promoting a different one of my novels weekly for #FridayReads on Twitter. Upon some probing, Ann admitted having read my work and then confessed, in confidence, of course, to being in an intense platonic readership with Chris Barry, the main character in my crime thrillers. As the saying goes, any friend of Chris Barry is a CeeBee Crew member in my book. Ann is a Principal with MagicBuz Inc., a firm specializing in internet commentary and communication. Their new site is under construction and coming soon right here:

@tinysuz - Suzanne: Suzanne and I have never exchanged excessively on Twitter besides the occasional greeting in passing. What Suzanne has done however is acquired, read and enjoyed each and every one of my novels. Such a gesture is priceless to any writer and I'm honoured to have Suzanne as a fan and supporter!

And so, dear Ladies, WELCOME ABOARD! :D

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1 Comment

Reply Ann Jurmain
04:01 PM on September 23, 2011 
Thanks for the warm welcome. And the plug for my business. Was pretty cool to see my company name in your blog!
I am anxiously awaiting the new book.
See you on twitter. =D

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