Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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99 cent eBooks Work

Posted by bigceebee on September 20, 2011 at 7:35 AM

One month ago yesterday, August 19th, I lowered the price of the eBook formats of my first novel, Vigilante, from $2.99 to $0.99, my intent being to attract readers unfamiliar with my work. Since, I've sold more copies of Vigilante on Kindle than I had in the previous seven months. Compared to the prior six month average, my Vigilante Kindle sales are up eight times; that's 800%.

The royalty earned at $2.99 was 70%, or $2.10 per copy sold whereas it's 35%, or $0.35 at $0.99. That said, I need to sell six copies at $0.99 to match my revenues of one copy sold at $2.99. With an 800% increase in volume, I'm ahead of the game earnings-wise, eight times as many people are reading my novel and, based on what many have told me, are loving it.

Based on these early results, I'm pleased to inform you that The Consultant, the second installment in my Barry/McCall crime thriller series, is now also available for only $0.99 at Kindle and Smashwords. Corresponding reductions are in effect at Amazon U.K. and Germany. The new price will be reflected with other eBook distributors over the next few weeks as it filters through the systems.

So, if you haven't read The Consultant yet, you can now do so for under a buck. Just remember, you must read Vigilante first. ;)


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1 Comment

Reply Liz Romaniuk-Griffith
02:44 PM on September 20, 2011 
Just downloaded your first novel "Vigilante" to my Kobo and am anxiously waiting to start reading it! Sounds like switching to e-books was a great decision.

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