Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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Who's New in the Crew

Posted by bigceebee on September 15, 2011 at 10:20 AM

It's been a few weeks since I've added any members to the Crew so I felt it was high time a few people got special mention. For those of you who are new to my blog, The Ceebee Crew consists of people I've selected for their interest, help and support in relation to my writing. They've read my novels and asked for more, promoted my writing by suggesting my books to others and gone out of their way to spread the word. For this, I am forever thankful and inducting such folks into the Crew is my small way of honouring them.

I am therefore pleased today to welcome the following into The CeeBee Crew!

@Ian_Munro - Ian Munro: I met Ian just recently on Twitter when he responded to a tweet I had sent about my first novel, Vigilante. This fine gent from the U.K. informed me he had downloaded the Kindle version to his iPad and would keep me posted of his impressions of my work. As it turns out, Ian's way of relating his opinion was to go back to Amazon yesterday and download my five other novels. Besides sending out tweets recommending Vigilante to others, he took the time to email me and stated:

"I will never understand how you can come up with such a great storyline & plot then write it in such a way that the plot doesn't all fit together until the very last sentence. I love it!"

Those are words that make writing worth it. Thank you, Mr. Munro!

@hidingout2 - also in plain view: I'll call this mysterious, brilliant nameless woman Lucie simply because "also in plain view" is longer to type. Few details are known about Lucie excluding the rumour she is hiding out in the open somewhere in Vermont. Some believe she may be a highly paid government assassin combatting global evil and others are convinced she secretly runs the U.S.A. from the comfort of her home. One fact that is known for sure is that Lucie owns a Nook and my six novels are on it. In a rare public communication, Lucie has informed me she immensely enjoyed them all.

And last but not least,

@myalec - Christy: This fine and charming lady first familiarized herself with my work back in March when she purchased Duo # 1, my first two novels in one print volume and participated in a contest in hopes of winning a signed copy of 6 Hours 42 Minutes, my fifth Chris Barry crime thriller. Alas, it was not to be but, undaunted, Christy went ahead and ordered Duo # 2 and threw her name in the hat for my April contest. This time, the gods of luck smiled upon her and Christy now owns the original watercolour which served as the cover art for Mind Games, my third novel. She has since gone ahead and got hold of ASYLUM so it should surprise no one she was selected as a worthy Crew member.

So, Ian, Lucie and Christy, I welcome you, thank you and salute you! :D


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