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The Top Ten Cereals when we were Kids!

Posted by bigceebee on July 20, 2011 at 8:33 AM

I’m not sure how we ended up on the subject the other night but Joanne and I got into a discussion about breakfast cereal when we were kids. As was the case with many a child, both our parents did their best to convince us that Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies and even Shredded Wheat were just as good, in fact, superior to the children’s cereals which existed on the market. However, we may have been young but we weren’t dumb. Though our parents refused to admit they were wrong, they did occasionally give in and buy us the specialized kids’ cereals we knew were better to begin with. I'm therefore pleased to present you with,


The Top Ten Cereals when we were Kids!


10 - Sugar Crisps: A bit too sticky and sweet, the puffed oats were kind of like styrofoam and that bear thought he was just a bit too smooth.

9 - Lucky Charms: Soggy, coloured marshmallows weren't always my first choice for breakfast and I never really trusted that leprechaun.

8 - Froot Loops: Not my all time favourite either. Maybe because it was made with froot.

7 - Trix: I've always been wary of artificially coloured cornballs involving silly rabbits.

6 - FrankenBerry: I didn't mind Frankenberry until I learned it had nothing to do with Al Franken.


5 - Frosted Flakes: This is the one my mother tried to tell me was the same as Corn Flakes with added sugar. Right, Mom...

4 - Count Chocula: When you start talking chocolate, what's not to love?

3 - Coco puffs: See 4 above.

2 - Apple Jacks: With apple and cinnamon, these were almost like tiny apple pies... Almost.

And, the Number 1 Cereal when we were Kids....

1 - Cap’n Crunch: And still the reigning champ!


Categories: None

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