Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

The Thrills of being a Writer

Posted by bigceebee on June 8, 2011 at 10:25 AM

I've written in past posts about the frustrations of being a writer with the long hours involved in promoting and building a following, the agonizing waiting for some publisher somewhere to make a decision and extend an offer, the non-stop marketing of one's work generating sales that are far from representative of the time and efforts involved.

However, there are also thrills related to being a writer. Each indiviual book sale is exciting. Another new review which confirms your work is as good as you believed it was, is gratifying. Being approached for an interview or a guest blog brings a writer satisfaction. Recognition for one's efforts is a large part of the compensation writers receive.

I woke up this morning to somewhat of a thrill. An email awaited me from an L.A. based film producer who had heard of the first two novels of my series, Vigilante and The Consultant, inquiring if the film and television rights were available. A film producer might be interested in my stories! WOW... Though she hadn't read the books yet, she was anxious to do so based on reviews she'd seen and recommendations made to her.

Perhaps, in the end, nothing will come of this. Maybe, though I doubt it, she may feel that my work wouldn't be a viable project. However, today, I am thrilled to be a writer. :)

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Reply Uva_Be
04:29 PM on June 08, 2011 
Nice for you. Funny that she didn't read the book. I know producer's are busy but,... grumble, grumble typical frustrated writer response... So I'll skip that. Yeah to the interns and reviewers who did :)
congrats @Uva_Be
Reply Glenys O'Connell
01:43 PM on June 11, 2011 
Claude - this is so exciting! Even if it comes to nothing, it's truly flattering that someone should approach you like this. Sending many good thoughts that someday soon I'll be watching your work on the big - or little - screen!

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