Claude Bouchard Books

Crime Thrillers and other Stuff...

Ramble On

Magnificent Breasts, Thighs and Legs

Posted by bigceebee on June 4, 2011 at 2:39 PM

Though many might think such a post should be directed at men only, I'm not one to judge anybody's preferences or discriminate against them. Therefore, this post is open to all who are willing to go ahead with it. However, it should be noted that it contains photos of the subjects at hand.

Some have a thing for breasts...

Others are into thighs and legs...

Others still, have no preference, not due to indifference but rather because they love it all...

But regardless of what does it for you, breasts, thighs and legs, when perfect, are beautiful works of art...

For example,

Consider the following luscious breasts...

Honey-Spiced Duck Breast...

Maybe Pan-fried Turkey Breast...

How about Roasted Lime and Cilantro Chicken Breasts...

Then again, if thighs and legs are what turn you on...

How about some Asian Spicy Chicken Thighs...

Or Sage Turkey Thighs...

Perhaps some Crispy Duck Legs

with Sweet and Sour Sauce...

And for those of you who are open to all to satisfy your needs...

Go ahead and have the whole bird!

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Reply Demetris Jackson
9:27 AM on June 6, 2011 
Great Post! I'm hungry now...
Reply Jerri George
12:55 PM on June 19, 2011 
You got me!
Reply Jo McK
3:02 PM on July 28, 2011 
Being vegetarian, I prefer to eat the bush.
Reply Robert Jones
8:02 AM on August 19, 2011 
I thought you were going to be talking strickly chicken....surprised me with the duck and turkey.