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What the F**K

Posted by bigceebee on June 3, 2011 at 6:55 AM

Earlier this week, I presented a discussion about S#!T and it's many uses to describe or refer to other S#!T besides S#!T. At the time, I made a reference to the word F**K which I believe is probably the most versatile word in the English language today. No other word can be used in so many ways, either literally, when one is actually using F**K in its pure sense, or figuratively, when one uses F**K, or variations thereof to add emphasis or to create imagery. Today's blog will therefore discuss F**K and its derivatives in all of their various forms.

F**K as a verb: This is generally the purest form of F**K, where its use actually refers to the act of F**King. In other words, people rarely, if ever, use F**K as a substitute for another verb. For example, consider the sentence "Do you walk the dog often?" Substituting the verb walk with F**K would result in "Do you F**K the dog often?" which changes the meaning of the sentence and could lead to confusion and even shock. It should be noted that an exception to this rule would be the verb screw. However, F**K can be used as verb where the sentence is not meant in a literal fashion, often because the suggested action is not possible, such as "Go F**K yourself" or where the action is not likely to occur, as in "Go F**K a duck." These examples demonstrate the use of F**K to create imagery. "Don't F**K with me" also comes to mind which usually means "Don't mess with me", once again demonstrating non-literal usage.

F**K as a noun: Here also, the literal sense can apply when F**K is used in sentences such as "She was a great F**K." However, in the sentence "You are such a dumb F**K", the person referred to is not an actual F**K in the pure sense. Such use of F**K is sometimes considered insulting and derogatory. Another example of non-literal usage would be "I don't give a fuck" which means "I don't care" and not "I don't put out."

F**K as an adjective: When used as an adjective, F**K, or rather, F**King is rarely literal. The sentence "You are F**King stupid" usually means that the person is very stupid and not that the person is F**King unintelligently. In most such cases, F**King is used to increase emphasis and could be substituted with a variety of other adjectives available in the English language.

F**K as an adverb: Quite similar to F**King as an adjective, using F**King as an adverb is generally for added emphasis, as illustrated in "You'd better F**King get out of my face" or "He was F**King running like a girl." That said, F**King is most often not used literally as an adverb.

As a final example to demonstrate the versatility of F**K, consider the following sentence where F**K and F**King are used as a noun, adjective and adverb. In this example, I did not use F**K as a verb since that might be considered vulgar and offensive to some of my readers.

"The dumb F**K F**King fell into the F**King ditch."

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