Claude Bouchard Books

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The Uses of Cheese through the Ages

Posted by bigceebee on May 30, 2011 at 8:40 AM

As cheese predates history, it is not known when or where it was actually first discovered but there is convincing evidence to demonstrate that cheese mines were being exploited in Egypt as early as circa 3100 BC. In fact, a research group with the World Cheese Institute composed of cheese historians and cheddar geologists firmly believe that cheese was the main material used in the building of the first Egyptian pyramids as evidenced in the photo below.

Other data seems to support the era of discovery of cheese or at least of its use as a manufacturable resource. For example, the famous Swiss archeologist, Monterey Jack has found compelling evidence that wheels fabricated in Poland circa 3500 - 3350 BC were built exclusively of cheese.

A more recent, yet still historical use of cheese was as a sculpting material circa 400 BC as depicted in the photo below. However, sculptors eventually came to realize that other materials such as marble and granite tended to have higher durable qualities, especially in warm climates.

In modern times, cheese has been extensively used in the fashion industry, particularly in the design of hats.

Recognizing its versatile features for a multitude of applications, the automobile industry has been using cheese as a major component in the design of concept cars since the early 1980s.

However, the most important use of cheese was came about in recent years when it was determined that it could also be used as an edible garnish on burgers.

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1 Comment

Reply Joanne
10:45 AM on May 30, 2011 
That's really funny! Where DO you get these ideas? And the photos? Did you take them yourself? LOL