Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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Top 10 Reasons why I'm disappointed the world will end on May 21, 2011

Posted by bigceebee on May 12, 2011 at 1:40 PM

While browsing the internet, yesterday, I was shocked to find out that, according to Harold Camping, President of Family Radio ( ), the world will end on May 21, 2011, which according to my calculations, is coming up pretty damned quick. Needless to say, this information left me feeling kind of bummed out for a number of reasons. However, since time is apparently running out, I won't enumerate all of them. Rather, I shall limit myself to

The Top 10 Reasons why I'm disappointed the world will end on May 21, 2011

#10 - I doubt enough people will buy my books over the next eight days to make me the next best-selling crime-thriller novelist.

#9 - Joanne's birthday is on May 22nd so this world ending thing is going to seriously screw up the party.

#8 - We've got too much stuff in the freezer to eat in just one week.

#7 - We've got a full spare tank of propane for the grill which we'll never get to use.

#6 - I won't have time to finish writing Discreet Activities, the sixth novel in my crime-thriller series.

#5 - I'm not old enough to access my pension funds so there's a chunk of change I'll never see.

#4 - This puts a damper on our trip to Europe we were planning for the fall.

#3 - I'm going to have to explain this whole world ending thing to our cats and I know they aren't going to take it well.

#2 - The guy who trims our cedar hedges is booked for May 25th so that won't get done.

 And, the Number 1 reason why I'm disappointed the world will end on May 21, 2011...

#1 - Where the hell are we going to live?!

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Reply Angie
04:54 PM on May 13, 2011 
Ugh! I have canned foods that don't expire until 2013, so I don't think that could be right.
Reply Shana
09:42 AM on May 14, 2011 

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