Claude Bouchard's Stuff: Great crime thrillers, short stories, artwork and more!!

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Agatha Christie versus Me

Posted by bigceebee on April 22, 2011 at 12:29 PM

I decided to write this blog post after @HELENSStudio, aka Helen Rittersporn asked me,“How are you alike/different from Agatha Christie?” on Twitter this morning. “An intelligent question,” I said to myself, “and worthy of a brilliant response.” I therefore set off to do some rather in-depth research on Agatha Christie, whom I was somewhat familiar with though, I must admit, I have never met. As for me, little research was required since I’ve known myself almost all of my life. What follows are a number of aspects in which Agatha and I are either similar or different:


Similar traits

  • Both Agatha and I are writers.
  • We both write novels involving crime, murder and mystery.
  • Agatha’s novels, like mine, are intriguing and suspenseful page-turners.
  • We both have novels which are available world-wide in both print and e-book formats.
  • We have both written series.


Traits that are different

  • Agatha is dead whereas I’m not.
  • Agatha was British while I’m Canadian.
  • Agatha had more hair than I ever did although she never had a beard and I do.
  • Agatha was a female which is something I will never be.
  • Agatha was rich and famous and I’m still working on that.
  • Agatha wrote eighty crime novels while I’m writing my sixth.
  • Though unverified, I’m probably more computer literate than Agatha was.


So, the next time you find yourself asking, “How is Claude Bouchard alike/different from Agatha Christie?”, all you need to do is return to my blog and read this post again. :)

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Reply Helen Rittersporn
12:54 PM on April 22, 2011 
Claude, It was great fun reading your post: "How is Claude Bouchard alike/different from Agatha Christie??

Your lists of traits that are similar and different were fun! I especially liked that you are writing your sixth novel! It sounds like I want to read your novels in sequence, so I would start with Vigilante?

I'm going to be looking to see if anyone gets done in by poisons by a Miss Marple type character, although it doesn't sound likely!

Wishing you continued success!
Reply bigceebee
12:59 PM on April 22, 2011 
Glad you enjoyed it, Helen. Thanks for the suggestion which, I'm sure you guessed, I took to heart. To answer your question, yes, Vigilante is the first. The books are numbered on "My Books" page. :)
Helen Rittersporn says...
Claude, It was great fun reading your post: "How is Claude Bouchard alike/different from Agatha Christie??

Your lists of traits that are similar and different were fun! I especially liked that you are writing your sixth novel! It sounds like I want to read your novels in sequence, so I would start with Vigilante?

I'm going to be looking to see if anyone gets done in by poisons by a Miss Marple type character, although it doesn't sound likely!

Wishing you continued success!
Reply Kate Madison
01:10 PM on April 22, 2011 
Another smile-generating post. I, too, will have to check out Vigilante. And I am glad you are not dead.
Reply Lynn Rush
01:35 PM on April 22, 2011 
Awesome!!! I'm with Kate. I'm glad you're not dead, too!
Reply bigceebee
01:40 PM on April 22, 2011 
Thanks, Kate! I'm glad I'm not dead too. :)
Reply bigceebee
01:43 PM on April 22, 2011 
Thanks Lynn. Yep, being dead would be such a drag. :) Still trying to figure out how to make this subscribable.
Reply Gary Ponzo
04:35 AM on April 23, 2011 
Are you certain Agathie Christie didn't have a beard?