Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

Why do People Write Such Bad Reviews?

Posted by bigceebee on April 27, 2012 at 9:40 AM

A popular topic of late amongst writers, be it in blog posts or group discussions, is bad book reviews. To clarify, I’m not referring to solidly supported constructive criticism which could, in fact, help a writer improve. I’m talking about those annoying one star reviews one finds on Amazon and other sites which are without substance and just plain vicious, cruel, nasty and destructive.

The question which I’ve heard or seen asked over and over on this subject is, “Why do people write such bad reviews?” The purpose of this blog post is to answer precisely that question, allowing writers to understand why they shouldn’t take it personally or feel victimized when they receive such a review. What follows is a partial list of reasons why people write such bad reviews.

  • To start, it is important to realize that those who post these reviews are unattractive. I don’t mean simply average looking here, I’m talking about damned ugly. Even their mothers find them ugly. The kind of ugly that makes one shudder and often evokes screams of terror.
  • Their living quarters, if we can call them that, are highly uncomfortable. Dark, damp and musty basements, cramped attics with no ventilation and so on come to mind. Their heating is faulty and they have no air conditioning for warmer periods. Their water heaters, if they even have one, don’t work most of the time. This, incidentally, partially explains why they generally smell bad.
  • Their IQs are below average. This is clearly demonstrated by their lack of comprehension when they try to read as well as their absence of writing skills. They are further plagued with a limited vocabulary which explains why they often use a word like ‘stupid’ or ‘terrible’ half a dozen times in a two line review.
  • They rarely, if ever, have sex. If they do (i.e. If they can find someone who WILL accept their money), they either suffer from impotence, premature ejaculation or do not attain orgasm.
  • They hate kittens because they are intimidated by them. They kick puppies for similar reasons.
  • They feel inferior to everyone and everything they come in contact with because, let’s face it, they are.
  • They have no friends because they are very dislikeable.


So, fellow writers, the next time you get such a review on one of your works, take it in stride and have pity because you are much better off than the moron who wrote it.

The Barry/MCall crime thrillers ~ 54K copies out & counting ~ U.S.: ~ U.K.:



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Reply Ken Preston
10:12 AM on April 27, 2012 
But, perhaps most importantly, they have very poor taste in books, lack any critical faculties to appreciate decent writing, and wouldn't know a good book if it stood up and slapped them in the face. Or am I being silly? ;-)
Reply Bonnie
01:09 PM on April 27, 2012 
ROFLMAO!!! Thank you, Claude, once again for your brilliant and hilarious take on an irritating and unfortunately pervasive problem. I will keep your visual in my head for the rest of my publishing career!
Reply bigceebee
01:17 PM on April 27, 2012 
Yes, there is that too, Ken. I didn't think it was silly for a second. :)

Ken Preston says...
But, perhaps most importantly, they have very poor taste in books, lack any critical faculties to appreciate decent writing, and wouldn't know a good book if it stood up and slapped them in the face. Or am I being silly? ;-)
Reply bigceebee
01:18 PM on April 27, 2012 
Cool! I'm now immortalized, kinda. Thanks, Bonnie! :)

Bonnie says...
ROFLMAO!!! Thank you, Claude, once again for your brilliant and hilarious take on an irritating and unfortunately pervasive problem. I will keep your visual in my head for the rest of my publishing career!
Reply G.E. Johnson
01:18 PM on April 27, 2012 
LMAO Claude, this is why I love you. Your wit is unmatched.
Reply bigceebee
01:38 PM on April 27, 2012 
Thanks, Gerria, it's a gift... or a curse... :)

G.E. Johnson says...
LMAO Claude, this is why I love you. Your wit is unmatched.
Reply Tasha Brown
02:00 PM on April 27, 2012 
I can't think of a thing you left out....well said :)
Reply niamh Clune
07:35 PM on April 27, 2012 
Lol! You had fun with this...I have joined your blog on the strength of it.
Reply Alison Bruce
08:26 AM on April 28, 2012 
niamh Clune says...
Lol! You had fun with this...I have joined your blog on the strength of it.

Me too! That and I want to find out more about ugly critics.
Reply Ken
08:29 AM on April 28, 2012 
The best review of a reviewer I have read. 5 stars/
Reply bigceebee
09:18 AM on April 28, 2012 
Welcome aboard! :)

niamh Clune says...
Lol! You had fun with this...I have joined your blog on the strength of it.
Reply bigceebee
09:20 AM on April 28, 2012 
Welcome as well, Alison. I'll try to dig up more dirt on them for you. :)

Alison Bruce says...
Me too! That and I want to find out more about ugly critics.
Reply bigceebee
09:21 AM on April 28, 2012 
Thanks, ken! BTW, you're looking great, and brilliant, of course! :)

Ken says...
The best review of a reviewer I have read. 5 stars/
Reply Dean Lappi
03:31 PM on April 28, 2012 
Great post Claude, it was great to have a laugh! Well done. :) Kindest regards
Reply Shannon Donnelly
09:37 AM on April 29, 2012 
The good news is that I've heard several folks say they bought the book because of the bad review.

I used to have a movie reviewer I followed -- I knew if he hated a movie, I'd love it. So his reviews were always useful for me.

So maybe it's not so much the bad or good, it's about not being in the vast middle of just okay.
Reply terry ravenscroft
01:48 PM on April 29, 2012 
This blog post is stupid and terrible, and I speak as a very ugly person with a very low IQ who never gets to have sex.
Reply bigceebee
02:34 PM on April 29, 2012 
Thanks, Terry, I feel for you... Sorta... :)

terry ravenscroft says...
This blog post is stupid and terrible, and I speak as a very ugly person with a very low IQ who never gets to have sex.
Reply bigceebee
02:38 PM on April 29, 2012 
Thanks, Shannon, I have heard more than one successful writer mention how even bad reviews are an indication that the reader was moved. Even if it wasn't in a good way, a chord was struck. :)

Shannon Donnelly says...
The good news is that I've heard several folks say they bought the book because of the bad review.

I used to have a movie reviewer I followed -- I knew if he hated a movie, I'd love it. So his reviews were always useful for me.

So maybe it's not so much the bad or good, it's about not being in the vast middle of just okay.
Reply Elizabeth Jasper
04:00 PM on April 29, 2012 
Haha! This made me chuckle. I bet you're right!
Reply bigceebee
04:07 PM on April 29, 2012 
Hi, Elizabeth, My aim was humour and out of hundreds of view so far, only one took umbrage to my post and ranted and raved on Twitter. I guessed she was an ugly dumb-ass who also lacked any comprehension of comedy, :)

Elizabeth Jasper says...
Haha! This made me chuckle. I bet you're right!

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