Claude Bouchard Books

Crime Thrillers and other Stuff...

Ramble On

Am I Too Social on Social Media?!

Posted by bigceebee on January 22, 2012 at 11:55 AM

In this crazy world we live in, just when I think I’ve seen it all, someone manages to top it. I’ve been scolded, criticized and berated on occasion for promoting my novels on Twitter. Yes, I’m an annoying person who has the nerve to want to sell my thrillers to the public so readers can enjoy them while I make a living. Yeah, shoot me… However, those who know me consider me a highly sociable person who will chat with anyone and treat them with the respect they deserve. Moving forward...


This morning, as I do daily, I was sending out tweets to a list of people who have become good friends over time, telling them, “May your Sunday ROCK!”. These were greetings to friends. These were social tweets. Twenty-three tweets in all, encompassing 154 dear people with whom I regularly chat, sent out over roughly twenty minutes. As I neared the end of my list, I received the following tweet from someone (who will remain nameless):


“Tell them all at once that their Sunday ROCKs. PLEASE”


Hmmm... Apparently my sociability was annoying someone...

Shortly after, while chatting with fellow author and friend, Luke Romyn and a couple of other people, Luke and I received the following tweet from another nameless individual who obviously disliked one of the people we were chatting with:


“@ceebee308 wow you & @LukeRomyn have started fooling around with some trash"


The tweet made no sense in relation to our ongoing conversation, which led me to reply:

“I'm not sure what that means”


This garnered the following response:

"@LukeRomyn @ceebee308 bye enjoy utterly disappointed"


To this, I replied, “You've totally lost me on this...” before blocking this person, effectively putting an end to the inane fiasco.

Clearly, we had been social with the wrong person...


But the morning wasn’t over… Minutes later, Luke and I received this tweet from yet a third nameless person:


"@LukeRomyn @ceebee308 - hey, u guys - don't hug the page, OK ?"


The gentleman obviously meant ‘hog’ the page but, in our usual witty manner, we asked for clarification and received the following response:


"@LukeRomyn @ceebee308 - u fill it w/ tweets. U'r guests,don't overstay ur welcome."

Heartless bastards that we are, we were cluttering this poor soul's timeline with our useless sociability which obviously led me to the question, “Am I too social on social media?” :)

I don't just write blog posts. I write thrillers too.


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Reply david hunter
12:49 PM on January 22, 2012 
Unfortunately, most people don't like to read others 'inside' talk without being involved. Me, I'm lucky that I have the kind of followers that will join in when they want and are welcome. This process of elimination will leave you with the kind of followers you want - and the others will fall away eventually.

One note: I try to keep the chatter somewhat universal, knowing people are reading the stuff. To that end, I use Facebook for the more detailed and involved conversations. But that's just me.

Good post!
Reply kathleen DeCosmo
01:33 PM on January 22, 2012 
If people do not want their time line overwhelmed then they can simply block the person that is overwhelming them. Social Media is intended to be "Social" and every person has a choice to follow, be followed, block, participate, observe etc.
I have my share of negative comments but the positive comments and positive interaction far out weigh the negative.
Claude you are one of the most loyal, positive people on twitter. You are social and kind to all. Thank you for your friendship and your Social behavior that has Blessed so many!
Reply Sir Samuel Zeus Clemons
07:27 AM on January 23, 2012 
there are trolls, they breed trollish behavior, and piling on. before you know it, the entire known Universe is troll like. then everyone is finding fault with others. everyone is hiding behind the bushes, and waiting to spring at the first hint of anything they don't like. once everyone's doing it, the earth becomes a big bitch fest, and is taken over by negative trollish behavior, and everyone will be miserable, and disgusting, and a freakin idiot!!! whew!! that vision is vivid!!

they want attention. bad attention is better than no attention. i have learned to live wif it, since they do it to me occasionally. i have found it better not to respond. strangely, of late, there are fewer and fewer, and they don't seem to be jumping out of bushes. go figure.

i don't block anyone. never have, never will. everyone has the right to be a troll, just as much as you have to shout your morning stuff. why block when a simple unfollow will do? I am the judge of the Universe, only it's ruler. imma ferret, so i wiggle, and move on.

now, about those shouts...? i think i musta been left outa that list of 154.....

i tweet at @Samuel_Clemons
08:00 AM on January 31, 2012 
Is it legal to sue someone for being (too) social? I should have studied law at Harvard while I was in Boston. I didn't though, so now I just have to deal with Claude being SOCIAL on a SOCIAL media site like twitter. Damnit.