Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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New to the Crew

Posted by bigceebee on October 23, 2011 at 10:35 AM

October just became my best sales month to date, surpassing my previous record set in August. This therefore makes today a great day to induct more people into The CeeBee Crew. For those of you who are unaware of what The CeeBee Crew is, it's composed of individuals who I have determined to be true fans of my writing. These are the people who support me. These are the people I write for. They are the ones who read my books and harass me for more. They not only buy my books but help spread the word to encourage others to read my work. Anyone can be in The CeeBee Crew. All they need to do is be true fans.

So, without further ado, it is with great pleasure that I welcome the following new inductees!

@bessiebollocks - Julia Hodgson: I only recently met Julia when she informed me I was responsible for her not getting enough sleep the previous night because she couldn't put The Consultant down. She then contacted me shortly after to confirm Mind Games should be her next read. Me thinks she's working through the series.

@ediefrizol - Edie Thompson: Edie came to my attention on October 9th when she tweeted about Vigilante, stating, "What a great murder mystery-great twist!"  She then followed up with a tweet to say, "I just ordered The Consultant by @ceebee308, the second in a great murder/mystery series." FYI, if you tell Edie she's a wonderful shade of awesome, it makes her blush.

@michelledh - Michelle Harris: I've known Michelle for well over a year and she's one of these people who is just consistently sweet. She's read some of my work in eBook format and bought some in print for her boyfriend for Christmas. I was later informed that, "he said it was an intense and exciting read and as good as the Stephen Leather books he loves." I can't say that's a bad thing. In fact, it's a very good thing. Take a minute and visit Michelle's site at

@geneva007 - Genevieve Giammo: This charming nurse-to-be recently bought Vigilante, followed by The Consultant and in spite of a hectic schedule with family, school, weekend training and blogging, she managed not only to get some reading done but also went and still goes out of her way to promote my novels. Some lucky patients will be happy to have Nurse Gen tending to them in the future. Visit her blog when you have a chance:

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