Claude Bouchard Books

Crime Thrillers and other Stuff...

Ramble On

My Books are my Children

Posted by bigceebee on July 9, 2011 at 8:09 AM

I've often been asked been asked, "Which one of your novels is your favourite?"...

I don't know if there are writers who can easily answer this question, though I'm aware of others who, like me, can't. My books are my children. They were born of me. I sired them, brought them into this world.

Vigilante, my eldest, helped me learn the ropes, as any parents' first born helps them gain experience in their new role. Thanks to Vigilante, errors, at least some of them, which I initially made were avoided to some extent with future offspring. Working together over time, we've succeeded in smoothing out the kinks and I'm proud of what Vigilante has become today.

My second, The Consultant, which I often simply call Consultant, is a more adventurous type and loves action. Together, we travelled to places like Thailand and Columbia in addition to doing our thing more locally in the Montreal area. Consultant is quite the kid, let me tell you.

Mind Games, the third addition to the household, has a slightly more nasty streak as compared to its siblings but could also be considered more deeply rooted psychologically. Like the others of the clan, Mind Games is a natural entertainer.

The Homeless Killer, which I affectionately refer to as Killer at home, came about a couple of years ago when the first three started clamoring for a new kid around the house. Killer's particular talent is its dual, yet related, plotline abilities.

6 Hours 42 Minutes, nicknamed 6/42, is the youngest of the family. We often tease it about its obsession with getting things wrapped up in less than a day. 6/42 is one fast-paced bugger.

We're now expecting Asylum, which will be joining us in the very near future. In fact, we even know what it will look like, and you can too by clicking the "What's New" tab above. I know Asylum will be different from the others but I'm also convinced it will be a welcome addition to my crew.

So, which of my novels is my favourite, you ask? My books are my children and I love them all equally. :)

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Reply Matt Russell
6:43 AM on July 10, 2011 
Love this, I feel this way about my poetry.
Reply Kathleen DECOSMO
10:27 AM on July 10, 2011 
Feel the same about my Roses :)