Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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Top 10 Benefits if We Were All Named Raphael

Posted by bigceebee on June 10, 2011 at 8:00 AM

As many of you who have been reading my blog have come to realize, though I occasionally take a comedic slant, more often than not, I discuss important issues which could have major global impacts, both sociologically and economically. One such issue, which surprisingly has not been studied by the world's great scholars and think-tanks, is the implications surrounding the theory of everyone on the planet being named Raphael. Obviously, there would be advantages and disadvantages to this concept. However, to present both in one post might result in mass confusion so I have decided to treat the subject as a two part series and, following the age-old rule of the coin toss, I first unveil to you the

Top 10 Benefits if We Were All Named Raphael

# 10 - Nobody would ever make fun of your name.

# 9 - When confronted with a wrongdoing, you could say, "It wasn't me, it was Raphael," and be only half lying.

# 8 - It would make calling everyone in for dinner much easier.

# 7 - You could spell it Rafael for individuality and it would still sound the same.

# 6 - No matter where you called, when someone answered, you'd be certain it was Raphael.

# 5 - If you cheated off someone's test paper and copied his name by mistake, the teacher wouldn't notice.

# 4 - If somebody mugged you, you could tell the police with certainty it was Raphael.

# 3 - When making restaurant reservations, you wouldn't have to give your name because they'd know it already.

# 2 - You would only need the R page in your personal telephone book.

And, the Number ONE Benefit if We Were All Named Raphael...

# 1 - When you'd say, "Hi, Raphael," you'd be sure you didn't leave anybody out!

If you enjoyed this post, you'd surely enjoy my thrillers.

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Reply babybenu
07:26 AM on June 11, 2011 
A Smorsgasborde of thoughts randomly thought. An indication men are given to rambling if left unattended for long. That said it is.. interesting... to have this opportunity, so BIG THANKS Bruce , You ROCK. Melissa.
Reply Sir Samuel Zeus Clemons
07:29 AM on June 11, 2011 
everyone in my family is named Uncle Freddie. even my aunts. at Thanksgiving if you shout out "Hey Uncle Freddie!!!" you are overrun by ferret happiness. this can sometimes be dangerous, like during the Playoffs for any sporting events... "Uncle Freddie, did you just see that..." then nobody can see anything, the TV screen is blocked with knowing nods and wrestling matches... it does have it's benefits, i must say. especially when writing. i have an uncle freddie who calls then hangs up without saying goodbye....another one who is a drinker, another who dates squirrels... this makes for an easy writing style, as every story contains an uncle freddie, and i never run out of material.

i tweet at @Samuel_Clemons
Reply Susan Lancaster
08:45 AM on June 23, 2011 
You're too funny Claude :-)
Reply Helen Hanson
03:30 PM on December 08, 2011 
Superior logic!

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