Claude Bouchard Books

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Ramble On

Don't Text and Drive? Really?

Posted by bigceebee on June 14, 2011 at 9:37 AM

The other night, I was watching television and saw an ad for the upcoming late news where one of the top stories was “Don’t Text and Drive”. Common sense, wouldn’t you think? I Googled “Don’t Text and Drive” this morning and got about 491,000,000 search results in 0.16 seconds. Now mind you, there is surely some duplication of incidents in this search but we’re still talking hundreds of millions of hits relating to utter stupidity.


I simply fail to understand how people can be so senseless, so disregarding of their lives and, more importantly, the lives of others. With the average weight of a car ranging somewhere between 3,000 and 4,500 pounds, don’t these morons realize they are driving a lethal weapon? I should point out that this doesn’t only apply to silly, naïve teens. Nope, people of all ages and from all walks of life are this stupid.


People who text and drive should be treated as severely as those who drink and drive. The same applies to those who apply make-up and drive or read the newspaper while driving, activities which I have personally seen on numerous occasions. Driving privileges should be revoked, automobiles should be seized and jail time should be the norm.


So, to you idiots out there, though it may be difficult, use your heads for more than a place to store a hat and think, otherwise, get the hell of our roads.

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Reply Hayley Swinson
02:25 PM on June 14, 2011 
I find it interesting, though, some people find it to be the lesser of two evils (talking on the phone while driving vs texting). I recall one instance when I tried calling a friend from the car, and she didn't answer. Instead, she texted me, "sorry, I'm driving, can't talk." I guess talking and driving is not the best idea either, but at least you can keep your eye on the road!
Reply bigceebee
02:29 PM on June 14, 2011 
Hi Hayley,

I agree that talking on the phone is definitely the lesser of two evils but even then, hand-free devices should be mandatory. They have been here in Quebec for two years now and should be everywhere. Unfortunately, two years later, I still see MANY people holding their phone and yakking while they sway in and out of their lane...

Hayley Swinson says...
I find it interesting, though, some people find it to be the lesser of two evils (talking on the phone while driving vs texting). I recall one instance when I tried calling a friend from the car, and she didn't answer. Instead, she texted me, "sorry, I'm driving, can't talk." I guess talking and driving is not the best idea either, but at least you can keep your eye on the road!
Reply txjennk
02:49 PM on June 14, 2011 
My husband is one of those idiots. Which is extremely weird to me because he's in a wheelchair because of a car accident. Ummmm....hello??? I had a little bit of a come apart on him a few weeks ago and he hasn't done it since. The gist of it was that if he ever had a wreck because of texting and driving it had better kill him. If not, I will. This is one topic that makes me just a little bit crazy.
Reply Emmanuel Ibok
12:31 PM on June 15, 2011 
Good words, true words.

Reply SLibertarian
07:43 AM on June 24, 2011 
Yes, texting while driving is stupid, and you cause an accident because of it, and seriously injure someone, it should be handling as driving under the influence. However, making the act itself illegal will not stop it, it will only give the police yet another option to harrass law abiding citizens. Case in point, my phone rings, I look at it, and touch the "Ignore" button, cop behind me sees me fiddling with my phone, stops me and gives me a ticket for texting while driving. Now I have to pay a fine even though I did nothing wrong. Just a bad idea, really.

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