Claude Bouchard Books

Crime Thrillers and other Stuff...

Ramble On

We did it... AGAIN!

Posted by bigceebee on March 16, 2014 at 11:45 AM

Last fall, nine of us authorly types each took one of our novels and bundled them into a heck of a 99 cent deal called 9 Killer Thrillers. Our intent was to offer readers a quality collection at a very reasonable price while hopefully expanding our readership base. Results have been astounding. In less than five months, over 160,000 copies have been sold with hundreds still going out on a daily basis.

Pleased with the results of our endeavor, we asked ourselves, "What can we do in the wake of such resounding success?" Following some careful thought and pondering, we found the answer to our question...

We did it... AGAIN!

I'm pleased to announce the release of 9 More Killer Thrillers, brought to you by the same talented crew of scribes showcased in 9KT!

Same kind of deal!

Nine complete thrillers from nine bestselling authors for 99 cents!

For this amazingly low price, you get:



All attractively packaged into this!

This incredible collection is available in ebook format at:   Amazon U.K.   Barnes & Noble   Apple   Kobo

Categories: None

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