Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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Dealing with Bad Reviews

Posted by bigceebee on March 27, 2012 at 9:30 AM

Anyone who is a published writer will eventually have to deal with a bad review and the odds are, more than once. Like it or not, it’s impossible that everyone who reads your work will like it. Child, Brown, Grisham, King, Baldacci, Connelly, Konrath and many others have lived through it and so will you. It’s a fact of literary life.


No matter how many months, even years, you have slaved—researching, developing, editing, perfecting—to create your literary masterpiece… Some people out there will go the extra mile to savage it, rip it to shreds, publicly scorning your work of art, ridiculing you and your efforts.


Their intent often seems to be spiteful, their goal only to hurt you. Frequently, these bad reviews demonstrate that the reviewer didn’t even understand what he or she have read. They missed the point. Other times, you’re left wondering if the review actually pertains to your book or if this sad critic got confused with some other work.


Regardless, these reviews will show up on occasion and, in most cases, you are left powerless to do anything about them. They have been posted for the world to see, forever etched on a website somewhere, a stain on your record, a jab to your ego.


However, all is not lost. I’ve developed a simple method which can help alleviate the pain, anxiety and feelings of depression generally caused by bad reviews. I now wish to share this process with all of my fellow writers, in hopes of helping you overcome the one-star blues.


When I come across a less than desirable critique of any of my works, I read it carefully, making sure to capture the essence of any flaws described to support its negative tone. I then fully analyse this information, considering its merits, drawing from it anything which might prove helpful in improving my writing going forward. Once this is done, I take a deep breath, relax and murmur, “Fuck you, asshole.” ;)

Have you read my Kindle best-seller, Vigilante?



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Reply Heather
09:58 AM on March 27, 2012 
:D not a completely unexpected response to criticism!
Reply kathleen patel
10:38 AM on March 27, 2012 
I love your technique! I'm going to try it right now : )
Reply Bonnie
10:55 AM on March 27, 2012 
LOVE IT! Thanks for the advice--and the laugh, Claude!
Reply Rachelle Ayala
11:27 AM on March 27, 2012 
What a nice manly way of dealing with this problem. Me? I tend toward chocolate. :)
Reply ferrari giuliano giu
11:30 AM on March 27, 2012 
Reply Frances Pawley
12:17 PM on March 27, 2012 
I totally agree with you Claude. I have few reviews on Amazon and yet one stands out over the rest saying that her young son found my book boring and 'too wordy for the age it was aimed at'. Since her son was clearly very young and my book aimed at ages 12 - 112 I wonder for whom she is complaining.
Reply Matt
01:40 AM on March 28, 2012 
LOL! I needed that Claude! Thank you!

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