Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

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How Hard is it to Remove Snow?!

Posted by bigceebee on February 3, 2012 at 9:00 AM

Snow in the winter is a part of life where I live. Some years, there's more, other years, there's less but there's always some. When snow does fall, one must remove it from walks, steps and driveways while public services remove it from streets and sidewalks. Part of our annual $4,300 property tax bill is specifically destined to said snow removal.

I therefore get annoyed when after snow removal crews have used equipment like this,


and this,

the street in front of our house looks like this,


and this...

I've complained to the city... :D

UPDATE: At approximately 1:30 pm ET, a grader came by to scrape the crap away which was later picked up when the snow was removed on the opposite side of the street. All is once again fine in my world. :)

The streets are properly cleaned in my Barry/McCall crime thrillers!

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Reply Karen G.
10:15 AM on February 03, 2012 
Ah yes, the joys of winter. We live outside town so our roads don't get plowed until there is about 2ft. of snow on them, and that's usually one pass down the middle. Most folks out here have a 4x4 in the yard so we can make the half mile trip to the highway. :)
04:35 PM on February 03, 2012 
Am I a bad person for laughing right now?! I'm really sorry you have to deal with this TERRIBLE snow over there. I don't envy you at all for the winter wonderland. /sarcasm off

bring that snow to me please! or send it.. in small boxes.
Reply Karen G.
07:12 AM on February 04, 2012 
@Melanie0510 says...
Am I a bad person for laughing right now?! I'm really sorry you have to deal with this TERRIBLE snow over there. I don't envy you at all for the winter wonderland. /sarcasm off

bring that snow to me please! or send it.. in small boxes.

I think this year we'll keep what little snow we have, which isn't much. Our lack of snowfall is putting a serious damper on our snowmobiling play time. I've been recruiting people to do snow dances for a month now but I guess I need to find more cause we're still not getting much. lol

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