Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

There Ain't No Drugs Here

Posted by bigceebee on November 7, 2011 at 11:40 AM

“Hi, Mary-Jane,” Bennie called out as he entered the kitchen.

“Hey there, Bennie,” Mary-Jane replied from the stove. “Where’ve you been?”

“I’ve been trying to train the new horse,” Bennie sighed. “That dope can’t tell the difference between grass and a weed.”

“I told you he was as dumb as a rock,” Mary-Jane snorted.

“Yeah, you did,” Bennie admitted. “Sometimes, I just want to smack him.”

“He is fast, though,” said Mary-Jane.

Yep, he can sure crank out the speed,” Bennie agreed. “What’s in the pot? It smells great.”

Crystal finally gave me her hash recipe,” Mary-Jane announced, “The one with the mushrooms.”

“The first time I tasted that hash, I was in ecstasy,” said Bennie, “Though sometimes it gives me heartburn worse than acid, which is a downer.”

“That’s cuz you eat too hot,” Mary-Jane scolded. “Blow on it.”

“I just take a swig of Coke,” Bennie shrugged.

Mary-Jane suddenly hit the wall with the flat of her hand. “Gotcha, you bugger.”

“What was that?” asked Bennie.

“Another damned roach,” Mary-Jane muttered.

Smoke 'em out,” suggested Bennie, “And clean up more in here. It’s full of dust.”

“Rather than talk, why don’t you help me, you goofball,” demanded Mary-Jane.

“Cuz I’m going to get rid of the snow,” Bennie replied as he looked out the windowpane. “Now I have a headache. Do we have any Tylenol?”

Bennie,”Mary-Jane sighed, “There ain’t no drugs here.”

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