Claude Bouchard Books

Crime thrillers and other stuff...

Ramble On

The Downsides of having many Followers

Posted by bigceebee on November 3, 2011 at 11:45 AM

I’ve been on Twitter for a couple of years now during which time I’ve ended up with a rather impressive number of followers at currently close to 211,000. I’ve often been commended for this achievment, people have mentioned how impressed they were and some have expressed envy, however friendly, stating they wished they could have as many followers.


There are obviously advantages to having such a following. For one, I’ll admit it is flattering to know so many people stick around, willing to endure a lot of the crap I spew. They could unfollow or block me as some do, but most don’t. Another benefit is reach, such that if I wish to convey my own or someone else’s important message, many will see it.


However, most people don’t think about the disadvantages associated with such a large following and, trust me, it isn’t always pretty. To illustrate, consider the more serious drawbacks which I’ve listed below:


  • Saying Good Morning: When I first started on Twitter with a handful of followers, saying good morning was a quick and efficient task. Now, with over 210,000 followers, saying good morning takes me 17 hours 12 minutes per day.
  • Having my Followers Over: When I decide to have my followers over, my neighbours bitch and moan about the traffic jams, cars parked everywhere and the noise pollution created by close to 210,000 people chatting in the yard (because the house isn’t big enough to get everyone inside). By the way, the bathroom situation is a problem on such occasions as well.
  • Going out for dinner: Have you ever tried to find a restaurant which will seat over 210,000 people, even if it’s at more than one table?
  • My car: I drive a Mitsubishi Eclipse. You do the math.
  • Vacation: The vacation to Samoa I was planning with my followers fell through because we’d have more than doubled the country’s population during our visit and the government feared a coup.


So, the next time anyone of you wishes you had more followers, do take a moment to consider the downsides. ;)

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Reply AnnJ
12:01 PM on November 03, 2011 
Come on just rent a stadium! :)
Reply Kelly Groovy Gamble
03:35 PM on November 03, 2011 
It's tough to be King---and I squeezed 14 people in a Gremlin once, so at least try the Mitsubishi.
Reply Gary Ponzo
06:11 PM on November 03, 2011 
Not to mention the Christmas Cards. You are one funny guy.
Reply Michael Parker
07:33 AM on November 04, 2011 
Careful what you wish for. I haveb't even broken through the 100 barrier.
Reply ScottTheWriter
02:24 PM on November 09, 2011 
My situation is far more manageable, with about 500 followers. I'm not sure whether we could all fit into a Mitsubishi Eclipse, but then, I own a Saturn Aura.
Reply Robert Pruneda
06:34 PM on December 03, 2011 
Hmm. I can see how the car situation could cause a problem. I wonder how many vans the local Enterprise has available for rent? Or you could always rent from a circus. Have you seen how many clowns fit in those little cars?
Reply Maha Kamel
01:22 PM on January 07, 2012 
it's all your fault.. you have one more follower now! :)

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