Claude Bouchard Books

Crime Thrillers and other Stuff...

Ramble On

This Guy Needs a Cold Shower

Posted by bigceebee on August 24, 2014 at 7:30 AM

Who am I talking about?

This guy, that's who!

For those of you who don't know him, allow me to introduce to Crit Kincaid, author of A Wounded World. I read Crit's book when he released it earlier this year and here's the five star review I posted on Amazon:

We often associate "page-turner" with action, adventure and suspense, all terms which don't apply to Kincaid's debut novel. Yet, "A Wounded World" aptly merits the description as I found myself drawn to my Kindle whenever I had a few spare minutes, anxious to pursue with the heartfelt tale of Normal Steves.

Kincaid's writing reads well, his story is poignant and his characters have depth. The resulting work is something which very few people will not relate to. It's a touching slice of life which made me smile at times and fight the lump in my throat at other times. All in all, a very interesting and highly readable story.

And so, Crit Kincaid, I thank you for writing "A Wounded World". If you hadn't, I would have read one less fine book.

So what's this about a cold shower? Read Crit's blog post below and you'll understand.

My ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


The story of my novel “A Wounded World” centers around a character whose granny suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. I chose this disease for one very horrible reason. ALS affects the body but not the mind, stripping away, little by little, the sufferers ability to communicate and interact with the world as he or she dies. “A Wounded World” is a story about being alone, and this woman’s physical isolation mirrors my main character’s emotional isolation.


Recently there has been an up swell of awareness of ALS due to the Ice Bucket Challenge. So, do my part in return, I will also take up the challenge. My challenge is thus; between now and midnight of September 1st 2014, for every Amazon or Kindle sale of “A Wounded World”,


I will donate $1.00 to In addition, should the sales reach or exceed 100 books, I will donate a matching $100.00 and do the ice bucket challenge for all to see. Please help me with this challenge, if only because Arizona summers are very hot and I could use an ice bath. If not, go to yourself and contribute.


Thank You!

Crit Kincaid

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